
Egyptian museum as some people prefer to call it to distinguish it from other Egyptian museums in Nubia, Alexandria, Luxor or other Egyptian cities was established by the Egyptian government in 1835 although the current building was built in 1900 by the French architect Marcel Dourgnon.
The museum exhibited collections exceed 120,000 objects ranging from the pre historic era to the Greco-Roman period.
The Egyptian museum
The Museum holds the treasures of the greatest civilization in the world. Some of the important exhibits in the Egyptian museum are : Artifacts from the tombs of kings and members of the royal families of the Middle Kingdom found at Dahshur in 1894.The contents of the royal tombs of Tuthmosis III, Tuthmosis IV, Amenhotep III and Horemheb and the tomb of Yuya and Thuya.Artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun, consisting of more than 3500 Pieces, of which 1700 objects are displayed in the museum in addition to other great exhibits.
The museum celebrated recently the year 100 of creating the first permanent Egyptian museum.